
Create an interactive CLI menu with Node.js

I have recently had to create an interactive menu for a project. I started programming it in bash and to tell the truth I quickly felt limited when I ...

Loading script asynchronously as a Promise in JavaScript

In most projects, an external library must be used (e.g. YouTube Player, Google Maps…), so the idea is to create a function to load the script asynchr...

Wrap an element with custom createElement in JavaScript

createElement function creates a wrapper element from a string. wrap function uses it to easily wrap a given element arround the wrapper string. The g...

Using navigator.sendBeacon

When it comes to logging user activity, like tracking stats or analytics data or even logging app errors, consider using navigator.sendBeacon(). The n...

Catching exceptions in setTimeout and setInterval

Errors and exceptions are among the problems encountered in any programming conceptions. By producing these errors, whether they are probable or not, ...

Password protect a Netlify site through GitHub Actions

Recently I’ve published an article on how to set up CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Netlify. When working on my last project I needed to password protec...

Set up CI/CD with GitHub Actions and Netlify

In any application or software development process or lifecycle, we go through several phases. The purpose of these phases is to minimize regressions ...

Rename a git branch locally and remotely

When working on a group project on git, you create a branch. Except that you realize that it doesn’t follow the convention set by the team or that the...

Get current device type with JavaScript

When setting up some scripts, we need to know the current device type. Just take the example of analytics scripts or scripts that need to be loaded de...

Get form fields as a JSON Object in JavaScript

We will see in this post how to access the values of the elements of a form using JavaScript. The getFormData method will allow us to retrieve from a ...

Run several Node.js or npm scripts in parallel

For some projects we need to execute several scripts or npm commands simultaneously. We take the example of a JavaScript client and a Node.js server t...

The tools I use

Each developer has its own tools and setup. Through this post, I wanted to share with you the different tools I use every day for my developments, at ...

By reference and by value in JavaScript

In JavaScript, as in other programming languages, we often have to manipulate all types of data during our development. However, in JavaScript we have...

Work on your personal branding as a developer

Personal branding has become very important both personally and professionally in order to highlight your personality, your values ​​and your skills. ...

Why should you switch to Jamstack?

Recently, the web has not stopped evolving. A lot of processes have been put in place to revolutionize the way we do or think, while offering a better...

Using $geoNear for proximity calculation with MongoDB

For some projects we need to perform specific queries such as finding the closest elements or those within the perimeter of a given point. Imagine tha...

Install ZSH on macOS terminal

We will see in this post how to switch from the default Shell which is bash to zsh. But before that let’s see a little bit what a Shell is and how and...

Deploy Gatsby to Netlify

We saw on a previous post how to set up a blog with Gatsby and the WordPress API. We will see in this post how to deploy our project to Netlify. Creat...

Create a blog with Gatsby and WordPress

The use of WordPress as a Headless CMS can be a very good solution when it comes to performance, optimization or even in terms of maintenance and evol...

Using the WordPress REST API

APIs have become more and more important in our projects lately. Therefore, it is difficult today to imagine a service, a project… that does not offer...